Freestyle/Greco Season Coming Soon. Let's Get it Going!
Freestyle/Greco Season Coming Soon. Let's Get it Going!
This curriculum has been developed by the Alamo City Coaches and the skills listed are required for color advancement for practice gear. Wrestlers will be required and only allowed to wear the color shirt, they have earned during practice sessions. Any color shorts can be worn but the top must be the color the wrestler has earned. The initial shirt will be provided with others available to purchase. Think of the system like a "belt system" in Martial Arts. Wrestlers must have the required skills and be tested prior to being able the wear the color (practice shirt) they have earned. Tests should be requested by the individual wrestler and limit to allowed tests will be listed. All wrestlers will begin with a white practice shirt and must request to be tested (outside of regular practice time) when they feel they are ready and have acquired the proper skills listed to qualify for each color. Only one color can be tested for at a time and a wrestler must meet time and performance requirements for each color. This system places responsibility for improving on the individual wrestler and promotes personal INDIVIDUAL development. If a wrestler does not know a move or can't perform the move "up to par," this system gives the wrestler the incentive to become better at that particular technique by asking for help or obtaining that information through outside resources. This program provides milestones for all wrestlers in any time in their life and drives the idea of our club's goal of being:
All wrestlers, despite of experience, will begin at this level and only advance until properly tested. Wrestlers may be placed at this level for extreme disciplinary actions as well.
1. Neutral Techniques
2. Top Techniques
3. Bottom Techniques
4. Freestyle/Greco Techniques
1. Neutral Techniques
2. Top Techniques
3. Bottom Techniques
4. Freestyle/Greco Techniques
Must meet all the prior criteria and maintain good standing with the club. All qualified Red shirts must meet the following criteria in order to advance